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Session 30

Telepathic channelling session number 30, Chicago, March 9, 2004, Session carried out with Lucyna Łobos

Participants: Lucyna Łobos, Barbara Choroszy, Ryszard Choroszy

Barbara – Question from Barbara Choroszy

Richard – Question from Ryszard Choroszy

Samuel – Reply from Samuel through Lucyna Łobos

I greet you both warmly – you Barbara and you Richard. We did not speak sooner after arrival, because Lucy’s minds have had to accustom to new conditions. Today we can speak calmly. I – as you prefer – Samuel, or Enki, I greet you on this ground in Chicago. I’m listening.

Dear Enki, Samuel – we welcome you here. We are ready to our Sunday meeting. I think that everything is going to be fine; everything is prepared – as far as it could be prepared. The interest is huge and I have different thoughts in my head about preparing information before our meeting. I don’t know if it is the time to delivery prepared history of Poland, which you passed on by Lucy…

Barbara, if I have something to suggest or prompt – I saw the film, I heard the cassette and here is my proposal. The cassette will be turned on, or story will be passed on after the Conference/Symposium. At this huge event, which this Symposium is going to be, people will be given powerful dose of information, and for ending and supplement you will complete all of that passing on information about former Poland and history. Now let’s focus on what is our biggest interest, which is success, which we will achieve on Saturday. My dear, we didn’t come here to suffer a defeat, but we want to achieve success. A success, which will stretch far in circles. I’m listening.

We are still fighting for Anibal Canchaya…

We are doing all we can from our side Barbara, in order to help this man arrive to Chicago for this meeting, but as you already know, human foolishness possesses huge energy, and sometimes it’s hard for us, as spiritual beings, to pierce this energy of stupidity. There will be more and more this kind of stupidity, but Barbra – I repeat once again. We will do everything we can, in order to make Annibal arrive. We want this to happened too. I’m listening.

During announcing our Sunday event I mentioned that there will be some instructions for times to come, especially after the appearance of the Pentagon report, where the vision of the near future is presented in very… very sharp way, very pointedly and sounding very dangerously for men…

Barbara, it depends on your decision – whether I will make a gentle message, or shake people. I can do both. So as you said earlier Barbara – there will be hypnosis and things relating to the Pyramid and the Labyrinth – it’s one. Without an invitation, I will join and influence these messages, and I will say a few words about those days, that people fear most, that is about the year 2012. I’m listening.

Year 012 it’s one thing, but the nearest years and this what is already starts happening on the Earth, ignorance about those information, Samuel you know, that it is huge and I think so too, that at this moment we may pass information in more obvious way, because too gentle messages cause ignorance especially about things we want to pass on. And now there are many other information connected especially with Sleza that are accumulating. Those things should supposedly be important to the listeners but, I don’t know. Maybe they need much stronger impressions.

It was similarly in Noah days. Noah was explaining, asking. He didn’t shout, didn’t screem, but he was asking till the end. People didn’t believe him as well. It happened suddenly, it fell like pains on pregnant woman, who also knows that she will give a birth, but she doesn’t know when exactly her pain would come. We can’t cause an„earlier birth“, but until the year 012, we will put pressure. We will press using forces of the nature, so this will look like this. Tragic events will be occurring one by another and if that will have no effect, then the year 012 will complete this process. Then it will start – as you say – troubles all around the world. Hopefully people will start to wake up to this horror. If not -many will start to remember, that there were those who were explaining, who were warning, talking, but then it will be already too late. People, who are assigned to action, so called „our harvesters“, will have to be silent. They will be silent. And this is going to be the biggest punishment for those, who will be looking for help. The harvesters will be under protection, and all they will be able to do, is to watch all that what is going to happen. I’m listening.

Is the Pentagon report a real report, that we should treat seriously, or it can be internet fabricated message?

Can message, about annihilation can be fabricated? No – there are leaks. You’ve been told that there are beings from other dimensions everywhere… They are on the Earth of course. They are working in more important institutions, in more important offices. There are beings from our dimension, who adopt for a time a human matter. Those are informants… our informants Barbara. I’m listening.

Samuel, I want to ask about the Tenth Planet, which used to be called Nibiru. I’m not exactly sure if we are talking about the same planet, when I use name the Twelve Planet described by Zacharia Sitchin. What is a meaning of this approaching the Earth planet – if it is it – accordingly to all this events, which are connected with moving the Earth axis?

The movements of the Earth poles doesn’t have to happen. The Planet – as you said The Tenth or The Twelve (we are talking about the same one) is huge my dear. Not a few, but a dozen(or so) times bigger than the Earth. It doesn’t have to crush against the Earth, it will be enough when even its tail of meteors brushes against the Earth to cause devastation. Is that has to happened? No, it doesn’t. And for that it is necessary to open The Gate Of Time. I’m listening.

It’s very interesting. So, if The Gate Of Time will be open, how will the Planet that is approaching the Earth behave?

When The Gate Of Time will be opened, as I said, the energo-magnetic energy will be released, but not only the energy flowing from Cheops Pyramid to planet Aszun, but also every place on the Earth, where there is connection between the Second Earth and the Great Pyramid, because, as you already know, this is the energy chain, which is connected with the Earth axis. And the central point of the Earth axis is placed where Pyramid is situated. When The Gate Of Time, the main gate is opened, all other energo-magnetic points will also be activated, and the energy will be released up, into the space and will create a shield. The Earth will than be protected by this energy and when this Planet “X” will be near the Earth, it won’t cause any damage, because the Earth will be shielded. I’m listening.

Is this planet inhabited, if so then by whom?

It’s not inhabited by beings, who have matter, but inhabited by – we can be call – beings without matter, that is by spirits. Every spiritual being who wants live on this planet – can do it, but without matter. I’m listening.

Do you talk about beings, who were described as Nifilim?

By those and others Barbara. All spiritual entities, that have matter on an inhabited planet, and get rid of it – can settle and live on “Planet X”.

Will those beings have any influence, on what is happening on the Earth? Are they interested in issues on the Earth?

No. It doesn’t matter to them. You asked me Barbara if those beings from that the Planet have any connection with the Earth. I’ve already answered – none. For those„residents“ the Earth doesn’t matter, especially they don’t care for living here human beings. The Earth in some sense is important fir them, because it must stay on its orbit. Therefore even when the Planet X‘s tail would catch the Earth, the planet has to survive. But than people would die. I’m listening.

So in that case, as far as I understood, it’s not necessary that the Earth will experience a change of polarity,and it’s not some constant space cycle, that occurs on our planet, despite there were a few such cataclysms in history of our planet?

No, it’s not necessary. There were such cycles Barbara – it is a fact, but remember Atlantis, when gods, who are taking care of the Earth, said: “There will be no more such cataclysms. The Earth is going to stay as a jewel.” It was initially said at themeetings of the Council. That’s why the Earth protection was installed and now this planet has protection. We know that cosmos and stars and planets are in constant move and it’s impossible to stop that.But there is another possibility – that is to activate this protection. This was installed and created, by inhabitants of the Second Earth, and it is protective energy that connects both planets with each other. It was installed specially for the situation of need, and this force has to be activated in order to protect the Earth and people. I’m listening.

Oh, it is becoming more and more clear to me. Samuel, I have a question form somebody, who keeps asking me who… what civilization started the Chinese civilization?

Barbara – do I need to repeat myself? There was a planet with life between the Jupiter and the Mars. A perpetrator of destruction of this planet is the Planet X. It destroyed its source of energy, its Sun. On that planet there were – as I’ve said before – four human races: black, white, yellow and red. And all those races were evacuated on the Earth. Obviously those who expressed a wish to do this. Those who decided to stay on the planet to the end, because they didn’t believe that it will be destroyed – well, they all disappeared. The same is happening today on the Earth. Some call for alarm, some do not believe. I’m listening.

Well, that means there were some wrong information, which some people had about it. Thank you for confirming it to me.

Barbara, all you need to do is to start thinking logically. The variety of climatic conditions on the Earth could not possibly cause human races to differ so much in appearance amongst those who are white and those who are yellow, don’t you think? I’m listening.

I have a question related to the lizards’ civilization. What kind of civilization is it? I know it’s very high developed with very high intelligence. It there any relationship with Sirius B or some other civilization?

None. It is a separate civilization, separate appearance and they have no interest neither on the Earth nor human’s fate. They live with their own rhythm and their own live. They have no interest in that what is happening on the Earth. I’m listening.

Samuel, how it is with those levels of existence? Although we spoke once about it, but there is some confusion as a result of reports of all kinds, when it comes to levels of physical existence. What I mean is – how the Earth can be compared in relation to other civilizations. Are we presently here, on the Earth, on a lowest material level of existence that is?

It looks like this, Barbara, because you are still on the cleansing stage and you are self-perfecting. You are the last civilization which is not only subordinate to the law of cleansing but also law of self-perfection. The last, and the only civilization. There are, those levels that were mentioned before, there are exactly seven levels. You surely think about those seven heavenly levels, but believe me –in order to get there, to move to the last heavenly level, it is not enough just to pay priests for service. I’m listening.

So the Earth is going to move on into fourth dimension, yes? Is the cleansing of the Earth necessary for this and does this have any effect in galactic movements of our planet?

Barbara, if you will pass the phase of cleansing, then yes, you will move into fourth dimension and then your brains will be opened. You will be able to use more percentage of your brain, that is about 30 % to 40 % of brain resources.

I have one more question, it’s about probes. How looks the case of probes on the Mars? Do they still exist? On which stage is this research currently?

Probes, Barbara, will be sent even without public announcements. They will be sent, but as I’ve already mentioned – pictures taken, will arrive to Earth, as far as those, who live on Mars will allow. And the scientists might think and believe that they achieved an incredible success – but they are mistaken, because the pictures will be falsified. I’m listening.

If there is a base of beings from Orion, can it create some danger?

Relax Barbara. There are our people in NASA, as well asin other laboratories on Earth… beingscreated in matter. And how do you think about that? After all, when such probe is sent, it is already examined by us and we know all about it. I’m listening.

What do you mean by examined? If it has a weapon, can it be still a danger?

And you think that those inhabitants will allow to use it? After all – those from Orion and from Sirius who stay on Mars live in good terms. And it’s not only about the Earth. Beings from Orion don’t care about settling on the Earth. Their only purpose is to help, or wake up from a lethargy, in which people are now, but they don’t want to live here. Their planet is so beautiful, so perfect, that they don’t want to rebuild or start work anew. However those from Sirius need to look for a planet, where they can settle, but those two races, those two civilizations who are on Mars live in complete good terms, in other worlds in peace. I’m listening.

I want to ask about something. When Planet X will be passing near the Earth, if there would come to a large impact, will the atomic and nuclear power stations, be affected?Is it real threat for other civilizations and does nuclear weapon could destroy soul?

Nothing can destroy soul… it will destroy body. From accumulated weapon indeed all your Earth can stop existing. In other words – it can scatter. It is hard to predict by you in what site the tail of Planet X, can brush against the Earth. But beings from Orion and Sirius can more or less calculate in where it can happen and in order to soften (if it can be named softening) results of such “impact” the Planet X will be directed close to northern or southern pole. I don’t have to explain exactly consequences of that. The ice would melt immediately and the Earth will be flooded. I’m listening.

This is practically happening right now due to global warming effect, which occurs on our planet. But the scientists officially don’t admit it, although some leaks have already filtered to us.They tell us that many parts of land will be flooded, many coasts, in the closest years…

This is only prelude, Barbara. When the tail of the Planet X will brush against the Earth, it will happen in hours. I’m listening.

Is this that caesura, that the Mayans described in their calendar – the year 2012? Is it calculated so precisely?

There can be some difference of about a few years, but this is unavoidable, unless the shield around the Earth will be created by energo-magnetic energy. I’m listening.

Thank you very much…. I don’t have any other questions. Thank you very, very much.

Richard, I know you have a question. I’m listening.

Welcome, dear Samuel. I didn’t have many questions, but now I have… I have. Lately a movie was made by Mel Gibson “The Passion of the Christ”. Of course the movie is about crucifixion and I have a question about it. This movie, as Gibson said, was an idea that was given to him by the Holy Spirit. Maybe not the idea but, he was inspired… The Holy Spirit inspired him – this, what he said. Many movies were done in a similar fashion, I’ve seen a few movies so far (this one not yet)… However there are some controversy, that this is a anti-Jewish movie, which has many extremely drastic scenes and here is my question. Should this movie be produced now, in this times, in this period of time?

Of course, it has to be like that. Everyone who declares to cooperate with us or with other spiritual beings receives a task. Everyone toownmeasure. That man indeedwrote under an inspiration of a spirit. Was the spiritHoly? There is no one such as Holy. Holy is The Highest God and his sons – if we can be called so. But in order for you to better understand it, let’s assume that it had been written under inspiration of a Holy Spirit. As you know – men kind needsstrong emotions, stronger and stronger. Human beings like fear. This movie makes them to think a lot about fear. I would wish, that more men could see this movie about Jesus, and after that could happened reflection and consideration, what this movie has to tell. There is many, as you said, brutal and drastic scenes. This is also reflection about what is going to happen. We won’t crucify, as people did with Jesus. We will give people this cross, using Mother Nature during cleansing…

We don’t have any other questions and we thank you for conversation.

Thank you very much…

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